With its four centers strategically dispersed across Lebanon, HADEAL seamlessly operates throughout the entire expanse of the country, endeavoring to sow the seeds of love and joy amidst the challenging times that our nation currently grapples with.


At the core of our mission lies the belief that every individual is entitled to a life imbued with respect and dignity. The youth deserve a secure and promising future, the elderly should receive the care they require, the illiterate merit an opportunity to acquire skills for self-sufficiency, the impoverished are entitled to a pathway to a better life, and the homeless should find solace in a warm bed and a nourishing meal daily.
The HADEAL association is unwavering in its commitment to championing these rights for every human being, without discrimination or exception.

Our Team

At HADEAL, our team comprises not only dedicated employees but also a vibrant community of volunteers who consistently extend their support with a warm smile.

Our Structure

HADEAL operates under the governance of an Assembly Council, a subsidiary body vested with specific delegated powers, and a Directorate, the executive arm of the organization. Leading the assembly is Georges Hajj, who assumed the role of President of HADEAL Association on August 1st, 2023. He is ably supported by Vice-President Francois Alam.

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George Hajj


Francois Alam


Finances and Budget

At the core of HADEAL's operational framework lies the synergistic collaboration between the Assembly Council, endowed with delegated powers, and the Directorate, the executive authority. Presiding over the assembly is Georges Hajj, who assumed the role of President of HADEAL Association on August 1st, 2023. In this pivotal capacity, he is supported by Vice-President Francois Alam.