Everything we do, we do it with love and passion...

Hadeal Establishment

A delegation of the founding members of the HADEAL Association visited His Beatitude Patriarch Bechara Boutros Al-Rai at the Patriarchal Center in Diman on June 30, 2023, to inform him of their intention to establish the association and to hand over to him the file of the association’s proposed bylaws and his request for its establishment. His Beatitude expressed great interest in the subject, praised the efforts of the founders, and focused on the urgent need in the Maronite Church to create associations whose mission revolves around helping groups of society in need of support and support. The delegation left carrying a promise from His Beatitude the Patriarch to work on establishing the association as soon as possible to launch its work and mission.

Everything we do, we do it with love and passion...


On June 30, 2023, the Maronite Patriarchate issued a decree appointing the president and members of the founding board of directors of the HADEAL Association, signed by Patriarch Al-Rahi, in which he announced the establishment of the HADEAL Association, established its laws, and placed it under direct patriarchal supervision. The founding board of directors, which was appointed by Patriarch Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi, consists of five members as follows: President of the Association and Chairman of its Board of Directors: George Al-Hajj Vice President: François Alam Treasurer: Antoine Kattan Secretary: Lisa Abu Shakra Groups Coordinator: Abdo Wehbe

Everything we do, we do it with love and passion...


Glad to share with you the big joy launching our new association: HADEAL (Humanitarian Association for Development, Empowerment, Assistance and Learning) is a non-profit association established by the Maronite Patriarchate on June 30, 2023. The Maronite Patriarchate supervises the association’s humanitarian and social work, which is tangible to the teaching of the Bible and church laws. The association relies on divine providence, which translates into the help of philanthropists, whether individuals or institutions, to carry out its mission. HADEAL’s mission includes receiving poor people in its main center in Adma and caring for them on the humanitarian, social and health levels with a professional team. The mission also includes distributing available food, clothing, and other items to those in need.

Everything we do, we do it with love and passion...

elders service

The fifth commandment says, “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you” A trip with our beloved elders residents to Byblos garden in collaboration with the #ByblosMunicipality team We currently accommodate forty elders at our Adma center, this service is completely free for all neglected and vulnerable elderly people. Regardless their nationality, religion, race or gender, we provide them medical, social, legal and psychological support, moreover, we provide them a warm bed and all the basic needs, like food, cloths, entertainment and much more.

Everything we do, we do it with love and passion...

always be there

I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me. (Mathew 25:43) We will always be whenever and wherever there is someone in need