Embracing the ethos that every individual is entitled to a dignified life, HADEAL Association champions the rights of various segments of society. The youth are entitled to a secure and promising future, the elderly deserve the care they require, the illiterate should be afforded the opportunity to acquire skills for self-sustenance, the underprivileged have the right to an improved standard of living, and the homeless are entitled to a warm bed and a nourishing meal daily.

HADEAL Association is steadfast in its commitment to upholding the rights of every human being without discrimination, a pledge that underlines the essence of our mission.

HADEAL Association channels its dedication towards translating its mission into action. Through a spectrum of activities, we strive to empower individuals across diverse demographics, ensuring that the principles of justice, equality, and compassion underscore each endeavor.

Our activities

Elderly shelter house

Here, the elderly are well cared for and cherished

Physiotherapy center

Here, the elderly are well cared for and cherished

Dispensary services

Here, the elderly are well cared for and cherished

Pharmaceutical services

Here, the elderly are well cared for and cherished

Steel happy meal

Here, the elderly are well cared for and cherished

Coming projects

Teaching technical jobs

Here, the elderly are well cared for and cherished

Teaching agriculture

Here, the elderly are well cared for and cherished